Unknown Eucalypts


I found an unusual looking eucalypt in bloom on my favourite running track. Which means I had no camera and no bag with me.  This is a small dried sample… The tree has a lovely bronze, smooth trunk, with bark peeling in strips.  Euclid isn’t speaking to me at present but perhaps later identification will be possible with those wonderful red flowers!


There is a smudge of red among the orange leaf prints these leaves gave…

This is my second unidentified eucalypt.  It was growing in Botanic Park when I rode through recently.  It had been raining and this extremely tall tree had lost some twigs, leaves, buds and flowers.  Sadly, no one had given it a name tag for my edification… but it seemed an opportunity too good to miss.


Or on the other hand… further evidence that there are Eucalypts which give very little colour!



Filed under Dye Plants, Eucalypts, Leaf prints

4 responses to “Unknown Eucalypts

  1. i think you’ll find that the rain may have had something to do with the “lack of colour”. and tougher leaves need longer cooking….


    • In that case… perhaps I’ll try again when I’m passing through in summer 🙂 It is always easy to conclude that a plant can’t give colour, or can’t give some specific colour, when really what a person with my level of experience and understanding knows is that it can’t be done using the processes, in the circumstances, I’ve tried so far. I’m not sure how many times I’m going to have to re-learn that one. Natural dyeing involves a welter of variables, including many I don’t understand, or partially understand, so for me at least, surprises are inevitable.


  2. Felicity

    The results from the 2nd specimen are really beautiful in a non-colour way! It is like a really magnificent pencil drawing – far less dramatic than colour but quite stunning in its own right


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