A squeak of glee and a visit to the beach

I was in Melbourne when I saw that India Flint had put out a new book: Stuff, Steep and Store.  Yesterday (well, the day before I wrote this post–) it arrived in the mail and I gave out a squeak of glee.  It is short but lovely, so there was one reading before bed and another over breakfast.  I happened to be heading out to an early appointment at a suburb near the beach.  Inspired as I was, and consequently full of exciting plans, I decided to go to the beach to dip some fabric (the last of a roll of cotton sheeting from a church fete) in the sea and  collect seawater for later use.  And, of course, for a walk.


I am my father’s daughter, so my walk was accompanied by the collection of glass shards from the sand.  There was also the greeting of a lot of dogs and a smaller number of humans.


A great start to the day, and multiple dyeings to come.



Filed under Fibre preparation, Natural dyeing

10 responses to “A squeak of glee and a visit to the beach

  1. Deb

    Our family loves to collect beach glass. We have jars and jars of it. It’s so pretty.


  2. I am off to the beach for a weeks camping and we always bring lots of treasures home…. wish I had a new book to peruse while I’m away…


  3. How wonderful to be able to start the day at the beach, beachcombing!
    There is not that much beach glass around here, so I keep the pieces I have in a huge, weathered oyster shell. Hope your heatwave breaks soon.


    • It was delightful… and thanks for the kind wishes about the heatwave here. 35C in the middle of the night last night with 46C predicted for the day… I am so lucky to work in an airconditioned building and to know my house is not at risk of fire!


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