These are a few of my favourite trees

The ‘Beloved tree’ banners are out in the neighbourhood.  A bunch of us put up the first couple, and I pedalled around attaching the rest on Mother’s Day.  This one is on a massive ironbark.


It stands beside the tram bridge in Goodwood.


This one is dwarfed by a huge E Camaldulensis in a park beside Brownhill Creek.


This trunk has survived a lot of depredations, whether human, animal or insect.


I’ve tried to capture a sense of its canopy…



But it is hard to show all there is to see when you stand beneath its curved limbs and beside that massive trunk.  Needless to say it isn’t all about what you can see, in any case.


This is the place where lorikeets sometimes nest.  I’ve seen them wiggling their way in through the hole they have nibbled out of the pace where a branch used to be, as well as flying out at speed like small, feathered, green comets.


This next tree is an E Sideroxylon. It stands outside the Le Cornu warehouse on Leader St.



I used to be able to reach its lowest leaves, but the chainsaws took off the lower limbs some time back.  It is still magnificent.


The light wasn’t great for it, but since there is at least one appreciator of industrial buildings reading, here is a shot of the background. I oriented my banner toward pedestrians.


Next, one of the largest E Cinereas in the neighbourhood, standing outside what seems to be a disused office in Leader St.  Perhaps people work there but are not interested in the garden!


It has suffered the chainsaw too, losing a truly huge bough.

Still glorious.


Still vast.


Finally, my old friend on the corner of Laught and East Sts.  I thought this was an E Scoparia at first, but while the leaves give amazing colour, the bark produces a different result than other E Scoparias I’ve dyed with.  Name, uncertain. Beauty, obvious.


This time I was spared conversation with the tree hater who lives opposite this tree and can only see it as a source of litter.  I was on the bike, so picked up a bagful of fallen dried leaves.  When I have more carrying capacity I take fallen twigs and whatever bark or wood is lying beneath it in hopes of mollifying the tree hater. 

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Fabulous.  I must say that visiting all these beloved trees and wrapping my arms around each one… I did feel like a tree hugger.  And proud!



Filed under Craftivism, Dye Plants, Eucalypts, Neighbourhood pleasures

6 responses to “These are a few of my favourite trees

  1. wow, that’s a great reading… i like the idea of tree hugging 🙂
    they’re such magnificent creatures


  2. I used to love hunting on Leader street but haven’t been there in a while…will make an effort to swing by next time I’m in town, those labels are lovely.


    • It is still a good place to hunt, but many trees were pruned so high to allow the railway underpass construction crews through that they are not as substantial as in the past. Of course, they’re growing back as trees so generously often do. Thanks so much. Some of the scruffy string is there too 🙂 I twined some from leftover flannelette in a meeting on the weekend and a friend immediately asked to be shown how. So the joy of string continues to travel too…


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