
While I was on holiday, I finished sewing a batch of needle books made from scraps of blanket dyed with various plants.  Now they are waiting to become part of mending kits!


Filed under Natural dyeing, Sewing

4 responses to “Needlebooks

  1. Marg

    Hi! I’m looking for 300 g woad leaf. Can swap elder berries. , bit of lichen (from dead branches) …eggs or quail eggs, lavender flowers…finally decided to start dying NOW NOW NOW but did not plant woad or weld in time…although perhaps not too late…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Marg, good to meet you! I harvested my woad a couple of weeks ago so I’m afraid my woad patch is bare at present! Are you local to me? Sounds like it… have you considered other options… eucalyptus, fennel, coreopsis? It can be so hard to be patient, can’t it?


      • Marg

        Marg from Mt compass/Ad Uni? Got piles of fennel and bracken- was just attracted to the non mordanting of woad. I’ve got seeds I’ll just plant them surely get something by April…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, Marg! Hello! I didn’t have a lot of woad success this year but would love to figure out non toxic woad dyeing and share experiences on this….


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