More pink socks!


I had enough cochineal dyed yarn for a second pair of socks, and in a moment where I just didn’t have time to wind more balls, I cast on.


I knit quite a bit on one of our long and lovely walks.  That is my beloved striding out ahead of me making the bridge undulate ever so slightly!


There was quite a game of yarn chicken going on at the end–for the non knitters, this is where the knitter messes with their own mind trying to outwit the ball of yarn in an effort to make it last to the end of the project.  There are just a few metres left here.  Though in all honesty, these socks are yet again not quite the same length despite my best efforts!


And now they are on their way to a friend whose last pair wore through without warning at an inconvenient moment–a report of which reached me when I was about one and a half of these socks in!  Long may her feet be cosy and her legs be strong.


Filed under Knitting, Natural dyeing, Spinning

6 responses to “More pink socks!

  1. You can walk and knit at the same time??
    I am so impressed (and quite envious)!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Love the colour. Re yarn chicken, that’s a new one on me 😄, love it. I always talk about knitting the last bit faster so I get to the end before the yarn runs out.😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. the friend was delighted to find the surprise parcel in the mail and is even happier to know that the socks were formed en plein air (And that they are of unequal dimensions … my feet aren’t quite exactly the same either!!!) xx

    Liked by 1 person

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