Monthly Archives: September 2023

Pot holders

We use pot holders (or “pot grabbers”) a lot in this household, which eventually means that they wear out or become impossible to clean (those stains are scorched in)! I usually make them with a few layers of old towel in the middle but these have a couple of layers of “dog blanket”; known to you and me as a woollen blanket that has been washed inappropriately and turned to felt.

I just found this post in my drafts folder–the pot holders have been in use a long while already! Two are made from a piece of wonderful 100% hemp fabric dyed with leaves. The binding is leftover from making a quilt. The yellow one is made from an op shop teatowel that had a stain I just could not remove and did not like. Binding cut from scrap after making my granddaughter a hat. And the red and white is a beautiful fabric bought from the designer at Bowerbird markets years ago. I intended it for a sleeveless shirt but it has been turned into many precious small projects instead. And there you have it! Pot holders. Now that I have hand sewed binding down on entire bed sized quilts, I don’t feel as intimidated by sewing binding to a pot holder, or trying very hard indeed to find another design solution!

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Filed under Natural dyeing