Bags from gifted fabric

A lovely friend has given me several deposits of fabric and associated items (books, patterns, haby). She is still addressing her mother’s stash of crafting materials, years after her mother’s death. In the latest round were some lovely fabrics that I gave away to a friend or gave through the Buy Nothing group. And some interesting prints that are surely limited editions!

I thought they needed to be featured, so I made a series of bags.

Surely these are “poached egg daisy”! My beloved has claimed this one and her mother loves it and asks often where it came from. Each time, she is tickled by the idea that I made it.

And, isn’t this flower lovely?

And while we are talking bags (and other people’s stashes)–much more recently I ended up with two carloads of a friend’s stash. She can no longer do the crafts she loved for many years. In among her things were many unfinished projects. This bag was in pieces, so I finished constructing it, and it has gone to be a library bag for a child who isn’t allowed a book from the library because they didn’t bring their library bag (what a rule, sigh). Let them have books, I say! I may make more bags for this cause…


Filed under Natural dyeing

2 responses to “Bags from gifted fabric

  1. Those flower prints are fabulous! And the library book bag rule is…ridiculous. I was attempting a fabric stash sort and deaccessioning the other day but my furry friend decided they were the perfect new sleeping nest. So here they remain.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aren’t those prints great? The last bag went to a birthday party as a gift last night. So sorry to hear your friend is not supporting your ambitions to destash!


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