Milky merino: Second effort

I decided to use the scraps from my milky merino to make a singlet for a small friend. One inspiration was the discovery of another E Cinerea nearby on a suburban street.  It is beautiful.


It is covered in new growth, whose leaves are larger and teardop shaped rather than the rounder heart shape that is usual for mature leaves.


I have to say milky merino is a glorious fabric to use for eco-printing.  It takes colour in a most spectacular fashion.  I bundled up one night and unbundled a day or so later.


I love the way the fabric took on a golden creamy colour where it did not absorb a direct print.


Action shot!


I created a pattern from an existing garment and set about cutting and sewing it from the fabric.


The finished garment is sooo cute, and so tiny I need to find a different recipient for it.  I should have recognised the difference in stretch between the garment I measured up and the milky merino…!




Filed under Dye Plants, Eucalypts, Leaf prints, Natural dyeing, Neighbourhood pleasures, Sewing

9 responses to “Milky merino: Second effort

  1. It’s beautiful!! That milky merino sure does dye well!!


  2. there is something about reduced scale on children’s clothes that makes them extra special. beautiful leaves, aren’t they 🙂


  3. Beautiful colours, what is milky merino, I can’t find silky merino let alone milky in the uk.


    • It is an Australian knit made of milk protein and merino. I think there is only one supplier if each here too.


      • you have to ship it from Australia, which adds to the cost, but both are easily available. google milky (casein, milk protein extruded just like polystyrene) and you’ll find the supplier, silky you can get from beautiful silks – again, just google …


  4. That is so beautiful. So so so beautiful.


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