Crafting locally…

I made these socks on many bus trips and on a trip to a conference interstate where I had more knitting time than usual.  But they are for a small friend who loves very close by.  He pulled them on with glee within minutes of taking them out of their package, which made me feel pretty gleeful too!  They’ve been indigo dyed on patonyle superwash sock yarn.

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There were a lot of comments about my knitting at the conference. People who are surprised to find my hand made sock looks just like a sock from the shop!  People who aren’t sure if that is knitting or crochet.  People who think knitting is too complicated for them.  Seriously!  It’s not rocket science.  I do find it hilarious when people who have written books, can operate computers, can drive car or can raise children–think they may not be able to learn to knit.  Most don’t really want to, which is fine.  But I don’t readily accept that people don’t have the capacity.  Willingness, and for that matter, quiet time,  is a whole other thing.

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When we went to do the local shop this week, there was evidence of other people crafting locally.

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These were in the planters on the nearby main road.  So cute!

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I suspect the Viva La Broad Bean yarn bombers, who have a made a project of decorating our neighbourhood. One of them t0ld me a while back she had saved one of my yarn bombs when the pole it was stitched onto was removed and it was thrown to the ground and treated like rubbish.  She took it home and washed it ready to re-apply it.  What a woman!  So–shouting out to VLBB, who made me smile at the shops this week 🙂



Filed under Knitting, Neighbourhood pleasures

4 responses to “Crafting locally…

  1. That’s it! I am going to teach myself how to make socks. You have inspired me.


  2. i write books, can drive, am typing on my computer and have raised a daughter who happily knits me socks [i can knit, but between writing books, diving the car and typing on the computer it’s hard to find the time]


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