Quilt progress!

The sashing has all been attached to my quilt. I am being a dog aunty, looking  after a friend’s dog for a month.  She wants to help with everything, but especially if it involves food.  Sometimes you just have to check whether there might be food involved.  Other times, rolling on the floor is essential and apparently the quilt doesn’t stand out a special part of the floor.  I have a new appreciation of all those for sale ads on Ravelry that mention pet free homes.  I don’t think I knew one animal could lose so much hair.

2014-09-21 14.56.32

Luckily she is cheerful and good natured.  She has been making friends all round the neighbourhood and leaves our hens alone.  So, I’ve gone from this…


To this…

2014-09-23 09.05.46

At this point I cut out the border and discovered that I did not, in fact, have enough cotton  eco printed and ready to go.  So there has been some unsuccessful bundling followed by a fresh round of mordanting processes.  The pile looked so big… but some of it is made of fabrics that won’t be a good match… so there will just have to be more dyeing.  Colour me not too sad about this!



Filed under Leaf prints, Sewing

10 responses to “Quilt progress!

  1. So far it’s quite lovely!
    As is your helper 🙂


  2. Submarine Bells

    Wow! That quilt’s looking *amazing* so far! Absolutely beautiful work. I hope you feel very proud of it!


  3. morgenmaker

    Is that linen you have in there with the long euc leaf prints? My eye was drawn to it’s beautiful texture.


  4. Pingback: Quilt finished at long last! | Local & Bespoke

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