Carrot tops and carding

When a moment arises and there is an opportunity for dyeing, I dye, my friends, I dye.  One such moment came a little while back when we had lovely organic carrots from our friends’ farm… and they came with lovely organic carrot tops, of course.


Fixing carrot top dye requires alum, but I am well prepared.  I have sheep fleece sitting in cold alum solution in buckets in my driveway.


Into the dye pot they went!  This went so well that I am doing it again as I write.


In the mean time, undyed fleece from the same sheep, Viola the pale grey crossbred, is also being prepared for spinning, because… I have an ambitious plan that will require some more undyed yarn…


Filed under Fibre preparation, Natural dyeing

24 responses to “Carrot tops and carding

  1. RRS

    Funny, I was thinking about carrot tops yesterday and wondering what the result would be. The grey base adds a lovely depth of colour and the result is absolutely gorgeous. I’m looking forward to more posts about your carrot top dyeing.
    By the way, do you think the tops of purple carrots would be a similar colour? I guess the colour is only in the roots ie carrots?


  2. I had no idea that carrot tops would give such a wonderful colour. I will try them ASAP. Do you know how long you can leave fabric sitting in an alum bath. I’ve left it for 4 days but am always worried it is damaging the textile in some way. I’ve been dyeing with acorns and a little rust this week for a lovely deep brown. Thanks again for another inspiring post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Susan

    That is a fabulous colour!! Nice job as usual.


  4. Pia

    Delicious! Looks good with the light grey too. Have you tested colourfastness?


  5. Margaret Ford

    Thank you! Others have told me that carrot tops give good green but I’ve always failed….now I know about alum!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. norma

    Love the colour; will try out carrot tops next time I get some. I usually give them to the hens but I don’t remember them ever eating all of them. There should be enough to share….


  7. The chooks will now have some competition for the carrot tops. I had no idea you could get such a good colour from them. BTW what is the pink flowering plant in the photo?


  8. Don’t forget if you haven’t got carrot tops you can harvest a bit of Queen Anne’s lace (in the carrot family) from the ditches to get that yellow also.


  9. i do believe it was carrot tops that sucked me into this wonderful natural dyeing world !


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