Spinning up a storm

2017-09-10 17.36.27

The springtime brings on fleece washing, carding and seed planting, apparently!


I’ve spun up all kinds of tragic fleece dyed last year, lawnmowing crossbred sheep’s wool, alpaca, blends, cochineal dyed fleece, natural fleece… there has even been some eucalypt dyeing (the orange skein in the foreground).

2017-09-17 09.45.36

I’ve spun batts created from logwood exhaust and woad exhaust and where did that even come from? batts.

2017-09-24 15.07.07

Anonymous roving from my friend’s stash.  Alpaca gifted from another friend.  Local fleece blended with dark grey alpaca with far too many burrs in it.  Possum and wool blended together.

2017-09-08 11.31.30

My winter of knitting was lovely indeed but I am loving being back to spinning as well, so it seems…


Filed under Fibre preparation, Natural dyeing, Spinning

3 responses to “Spinning up a storm

  1. apropos of other things…I just found this link through Frankie magazine and thought of you. You may have seen it….


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