Festive greetings!

Dear and patient readers, I hope that you have been enjoying the festivals you celebrate and the holidays that you are able to arrange. I am sorry to have been absent so long–it has been a time of massive transformation at our place and other commitments have needed to take priority. I am hoping I might now be entering calmer times.  However–there has been some making going on in between things… One of my sister-out-laws was my Kris Kringle this year–in that family, there is a cap on the amount you can spend on a gift and you are responsible for a gift for just one person. It’s a very sensible arrangement that results in a small number of carefully chosen gifts, that I wish I could convince my family to take up. My sister-in-law requested a eucalyptus-dyed shawl.  What a pleasure it was to create that!


My favourite neighbourhood eucalyptus tree contributed the leaves, and the shawl is made from wool–ever the perfect match, as India Flint says. I also dyed a smaller silk and wool scarf that seemed to me perfect for a dear friend.  You can see how much more readily the wool takes up colour (left) than the silk blend (right).

This gift made it into the mail in plenty of time, which was lucky because our plans were eclipsed by events in my partner’s family that have seen us spending time in Brisbane providing all manner of care to her beloved parents rather than at home hosting my family’s end of year celebration. Needless to say there as been a little quiet sock knitting involved…



Filed under Leaf prints, Natural dyeing

3 responses to “Festive greetings!

  1. Hoping all is getting better, everyone is regaining health, that calm returns…and that the heat has abated!
    It is always a pleasure and an inspiration to find a post from you in my inbox.
    Thank you for all the good things you do.
    Happy New Year to you and yours – wishing for better times for all of us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We used to do Kris Kringle and it’s a very sensible approach to overdoing Christmas. Now apart from my partner and selected friends we have stopped the presents all together. Such a relief.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ooops, forgot to say all the best and hoping for a good 2019 for you and yours and all your guerrilla gardening work! 🌱

    Liked by 1 person

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