Ply time!

A while back I had used almost every bobbin I own, each with a different colour of thread on it.


Over time there were even more bobbins of singles than this pictures shows…  finally there has been a season of plying, skeining and washing, and now I have this pile instead.

2014-10-12 14.26.11

Logwood purples, purple-greys and purple-browns, a cochineal pink (and a cochineal-logwood exhaust), three indigo blues, two madder exhaust-oranges, and a coreopsis exhaust yellow.  I didn’t take good enough notes of the fibres–some are on merino roving (the madder), some on polwarth, some on grey corriedale. Maybe there is a little of Malcolm the Corriedale in there too!

2014-10-09 17.30.19

And there has been even more bee swarm action in the neighbourhood.  These bees have taken up residence on a rainwater tank, with some support from a ladder! And… I am so over tending the silkworms 🙂


Filed under Natural dyeing, Spinning

8 responses to “Ply time!

  1. Lovely collection of yarn you have produced!!
    Now the bobbins are empty, and you can begin all over again 🙂
    You’ve made me want to dust off my spinning wheel!


  2. Love your colours and the fact you kept with the project over such a long time. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Do your beekeepers give a reason for all the swarming activity in your area?
    The yarns are lovely – such a great color range.


    • Evidently it is a high pollen season and hives are breeding more bees all over the metro area. It gets harder for one queen to keep everyone calm and committed as the number of bees rises. So they get restless and some leave. Thanks!


  4. So what will you make with these lovely skeins? My fingers are itching (meaning they want to knit).


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