Spinning in the background

I keep forgetting, or simply not finding the time to post.  Apologies, gentle readers.  I’ve needed the making more than I’ve been inclined to post about it this last while.  But I’ve been spinning Malcolm’s Kangaroo Island “black” Merino cross (left), and leftover batts of local Finn cross (right) and clearly there was a day when they posed with leaves and flowers…

When we were at Marion Bay (cough) I carded a lot of wool, and did some blending.

But I’ve also spun up all manner of wool dyed previously, including the last of the earth palette dyed wool.  There was a request for bulky yarn from one friend in particular.  She’s managing the state of the world by knitting a lot of beanies and gauntlets.  So I sent more yarn. And there was some very pale woad dyed wool that went into a vat with soursobs I weeded at someone else’s house.

But the big excitement is the Suffolk/Silk/Kid Mohair blend for #tuffsocksnaturally. The last of which is in the dyepot with some leaves on the day I am drafting this post.  To be continued…



Filed under Fibre preparation, Natural dyeing, Spinning

9 responses to “Spinning in the background

  1. The carding photo on the right looks like a sheep wearing a blonde wig…but perhaps my coffee just isn’t working this morning….
    : )
    Happy New Year to you and yours, and looking forward to any of your adventures you care to post about.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love those colours, do you sell any wool? Not that I am in to knitting yet, bit hot in this little house at the moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Khendra

    I am happy when you post because it‘s always a lovely read and inspiration, but I don‘t think you need to apologize if you don‘t post. We take the gifts whenever they come 😉 It all looks lovely but I am really looking forward to those socks. The yarn is beautiful.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Rebecca

    Well all of that is super exciting and delightfully unfestive. I am getting very little done in glorious chaos that is school hols. That last pic is particularly exciting, super socks indeed. Looking forward to the results.

    Liked by 1 person

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